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Misrepresentation of Psycho- And Sociopaths

In media, such as books, movies, and video games, psycho-/sociopaths often get represented as sadistic murderers or torturers. They are shown as evil people, who are delighted at their victims suffering; but isn't this a contradiction in itself? Psycho-/Sociopaths are generally understood as people, who lack empathy, and that is where the contradiction lies. You need a form of empathy to enjoy other peoples suffering, although a pretty perverse form of empathy. People without empathy wouldn't understand, that other people are also able to expierience suffering. They would simply not care for other peoples suffering, not even realise it. They would of course not care, if their actions inflict suffering on others, nor would they care if it didn't. This is way many psychopaths and sociopaths are in high ranking positions of companies and politics, they only have their own interest in mind, and it doesn't matter for them who gets harmed or is benefitted by it.